Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

SNMPTN Undangan

     mulai tahun ajaran 2010/2011, nilai rapot menjadi sangat penting untuk masuk kedalam Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, pasalnya sekarang pemerintah mengeluarkan sistem baru. sistem ini sebenarnya sama dengan Penelusuran Minat Dan Kemampuan (PMDK). jatah PMDK adalah kurang lebih 10%, namun kini 50% dari kapasitas bangku Universitas Negeri diisi melalui SNMPTN Undangan. setiap sekolah menengah atas (atau yang sederajat) berhak mengajukan 50% dari seluruh siswa untuk mendaftar dalam SNMPTN undangan ini. tujuannya diberlakukannya sistem ini adalah untuk pemerataan kesempatan belajar. belakangan ini, pelajaran-pelajaran untuk mengikuti SNMPTN tertulis (dulu bernama SIPENMARU, UMB, SPMB, UMPTN) hanya diberikan di bimbingan belajar dan seperti yang kita tahu, tidak semua siswa bisa mengikuti bimbingan belajar. oleh karena itu, nilai rapot kini menjadi sangat penting. jika dulu rapot hanya dianggap sebagai formalitas untuk kenaikan kelas, kini rapot berguna sebagai "tiket" untuk masuk ke PTN.
      prosedurnya pun cukup mudah, yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar ke SNMPTN undangan adalah nilai pelajaran yang tertera pada rapot dari semester 1 sampai semester 5. kemudian pihak sekolah (biasanya Bimbingan Konseling) akan menyaring terlebih dahulu baru kemudian berkas-berkasnya akan dikirim ke pada panitia SNMPTN Undangan. jika pihak sekolah sudah menyeleksi, maka yang perlu dilakukan oleh siswa adalah mendaftarkan namanya via online. setelah itu, yang perlu dilakukan hanyalah menunggu hasil seleksi. 
      semakin besarnya prosentase SNMPTN undangan, berarti semakin kecil prosentase penerimaan ujian tertulis. oleh karena itu, pertahankan/perbaiki nilai rapot karena me-mantain nilai rapot seperti nya jauh lebih mudah daripada mengikuti Ujian Tertulis. info lebih lanjut: http://undangan.snmptn.ac.id/ atau hubungi guru BK.

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

the special two : part two

     if in my previous writing i wrote about 2 best football coaches, now I'd like to write about 2 smartest musician. Thom Yorke and Matthew Bellamy, they are the frontmen of their band, they both are the main songwriter, they are a multi-instrumentalist, and yes they both came from the most successful-musician -producing-country. who's more genius? let's see..

     Matt is known best for his magical hand, he is a piano and a guitar master. he started to play piano when he was 6, he's like modern Mozart or something like that, he even got honorary doctorate degree for what he has done for music.i think Matt is a better version of Freddie Mercury. what about Thom? he's a very unique musician and he has no comparison. he has never learnt to read music because he think he can't express the rhythms properly that way. so it means he doesn't learn to be a genius. yes he can't play piano or guitar the way Matt play it but he's a better creator. Matt sings better but  Thom innoves better. so i personally think, Thom Yorke is a little bit more genius than Matthew Bellamy though they are different. we can't deny that 2 of them are geniuses the difference is that Matt is a genius because he learn to be a genius and Thom is born genius. that's my personal opinion. hmmm, collaboration maybe?

the special two

"way before two of them are rivals"
    last season, el classico was not only a battle between 2 biggest clubs in Spain but also a battle between arguably 2 best coaches. both of them was once work together, both of them has won the UCL twice, both of them has done the treble. but who's smarter? i dont know the answer for sure. Jose Mourinho, a controversial coach who brought Porto, Chelsea, and Inter to a successful years and is currently bringing Madrid back to the highest level of football. Mourinho won 5 major cups in his 2 years spell in Porto, won 5 in 3 years for Chelsea, and 4 in 2 years  for Inter. he's already won it 1 for Madrid. he's the first ever coach to win 4 league cup in 4 different countries and on his way to be the first one to win 4 different league trophies with 4 clubs and  3 UCL with 3 different clubs. Pep Guardiola, a younger coach than Mourinho that has won everything he could with Barcelona. he's got 6 major titles and 4 minor in only 3 years! he is the youngest coach ever to win UCL and the first coach that won 3 major cup in his first year as a coach.
Mutual Respect
    they met each other for nine times (already!?) and the results are 2 wins for Mourinho, 4 wins for Guardiola. in that way, i guess we can say that Pep is better than Mou. but football is not as easy as statistics, Pep won everything because of his team is way better than Mou's. Pep has 3 out of 5 best players in the world in his club & several world cup winning players while Mou is still developing Madrid (like what he did at his 3 previous clubs). Mou had a successful coaching career in 4 different clubs while Pep has never tried to coach any other clubs so far. Pep has a better winning percentage but Mou has a nine years straight without home defeat record. Barca under Guardiola has became more discipline and more aggresive than before, Mourinho always use a different strategy in almost every match (depends on what his opponent strategy). so the question about who's better still doesnt have any answers because two of them are basically a different kind of coach. every fooball fans would love to see "el classicos" when Mou's Madrid is well developed like Pep's Barca.


Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

still number one in Indonesia

macau 2008: friends but rivals
    Badminton was found in England, but now Asian is dominating this sport. for me, there are 4 masters in this game now. Lee Chong Wei from Malaysia, Lin Dan from China, Taufik Hidayat from Indonesia, and Peter Gade from Denmark. technically, 4 of them are the same.  until now, when the four of them meet each other we'd surely see an entertainment rather than a match. the highest level of badminton, as commentators would say, artists of badminton. since im Indonesian so im gonna write more about Hidayat.

     at the age of 17, Hidayat became the key player when Indonesia won thomas cup 98. he advanced to All England finals when he was 18, he did it again when he was 19 but has never won the cup until now. 5-6 years ago, he's number one in the world. he won the gold medal in Athena 2004 and world championship in 2005 (being the first player to win it at the same time). when the system of 15points changed into rally point, he's no longer number one, but he won another gold medal in Asian Games (2006) by beating Lin Dan in the final. Hidayat is not a fast player like Lin Dan & Lee. so since the system had changed, they both are the best. although he's not a fast player but he has a powerful backhand smash and once recorded a 305 km/h jumping smash. now he's already won 24 major titles.he's now 30 but still being Indonesian only hope in men singles.
     badminton is the number one sport in Indonesia, we have a very good team and numbers of world class player back then. when the gold generation (Hendrawan, Hidayat, Candra Wijaya, Sigit Budiarto) got older we dont have any other good players anymore, now China is dominating the world by winning Thomas, Uber, and Sudirman cup. as a fan of the only sport that my country can be number 1, i hope Indonesia develope many young player's potential and have enough power to take the domination from China

greatest of all time?

"so long, Golden Boy"
    in boxing, the word "greatest" always been used for the great Muhammad Ali. but now, we can say that Manny Pacquiao is the greatest. the first boxer to win 10 world titles in 8 different class and currenty the best pound-for-pound boxer. stunning isnt it? he is a boxer who sent big boxers like Oscar de la Hoya & Shane Mosley to retirement. i dont know boxing very much, but i can tell that Pacquiao has a very good boxing style. he's a fast lefthanded fighter who can punch and dance for the whole 12 rounds. people wont feel bored when they see Pacquiao fighting .

     what makes many people proud of him? he is Asian (came from Phillipines)! i'm too an Asian so its very nice to see Asian breaking American & Mexican boxers domination for years. now, every boxing fan in all the world are waiting to see a mega fight between the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr and Manny Pacquiao.. hope that'll happen and as a Pacquiao's fan, i want to see him beating Junior!!

powerful device

     in 90's we were usually being asked "what's your phone number?",early 2000's "what's your cellphone number?", now.... "what's your pin?". normally, BlackBerry is a cellphone too, only smarter. what makes this device so powerful is  the features especially BlackBerry Messenger (fastest messenger for a phone), we can communicate with our friends for free 24/7 with this feature. not only that, there are so many things that seem simpler when we utilize BlackBerry, lets just say browsing, navigating, internet banking, tweeting, sending/receiving emails , and many more.but more than that, this device has become our life (especially in my country Indonesia). its the last thing on our hand before we sleep and the first thing on our hand after we wake. no matter where and when, we cannot force ourselves to not look to our BB when the red light blinks (this makes someone around us feel annoyed). 
     the conclusion is that BlackBerry makes the communication so much easier but we have to use it smartly since its a smartphone.

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Master Mister

   musisi di Indonesia yang memiliki ego yang sangat besar dan sangat kontroversial. pendiri dan otak dari grup band Dewa 19. tak hanya itu, Ahmad Dhani juga penemu band-band seperti Ratu, Mahadewi, Backbone, Lucky Laki dan band-band lainnya di dalam manajemennya. ego yang besar dapat terlihat dalam Dewa 19, semua posisi di grup band tersebut (kecuali posisisnya dan gitaris) sudah pernah berganti personnel minimal 2 kali. tak cukup itu, Dhani bahkan menyalurkan egonya pada band-band lain seperti Ahmad Band, The Rock, dan Mahadewa. terlepas dari ego nya yang sangat besar, Dhani adalah pencipta lagu ulung. Dia musisi yang bisa memadukan idealisme dan selera pasar pada garis tengah, mebuat sesuatu yang berkualitas namun bisa dinikmati, contoh kongkret nya adalah lagu rumit "Roman Picisan" & "Laskar Cinta" yang bisa dinikmati oleh orang yang tidak mengerti musik sekalipun. kontroversial, sangat tepat menggambarkan dirinya. sangat sering muncul di infotainment mengatakan hal-hal kontorversi, terkesan sombong. salah satu hal yang pernah dikatakannya adalah "mengapa saya tidak pernah mendengar usikan dari orang bodoh? karena saya terlalu sering mendengar pujian dari orang pintar"
    belakangan ini, sepertinya Dhani mengalami penurunan produktivitas. kualitas lagu-lagunya bisa dibilang menurun meskipun aransemen dan harmoni vokalnya masih merupakan yang terbaik pada genrenya. bahkan, Dhani berjanji tidak akan pernah merilis album penuh lagi, album penuh dinilai terlalu boros untuk industri musik Indonesia jaman sekarang dan hal itu memang dibenarkan musisi-musisi lainnya. kata idealisme seperti nya sudah mulai pudar, kini Dhani lebih fokus kepada kepentingan pasar. para penggemarnya pasti berharap Dhani bisa kembali seperti jaman Bintang Lima lagi, tapi sepertinya itu adalah hil yang mustahal

film review : Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

   this is it, the last film of Harry Potter where it all ends!!  Harry Potter's fans in Indonesia had to wait for 2 weeks just to watch it on cinemas. but that didnt change nothing, when the film was released in indonesian cinemas, almost all of the cinemas in Jakarta was fully filled by people who had waited for so long. its always been like that in Indonesia since the first film of HP. matter of fact, not only Indonesia but all over the world. J. K. Rowling must be somekind of a genius.
   enough about that, now were talking about the film. first of all, i dont watch Harry Potter since the first one. i dont know why,  i just dont. so technically i dont know anything about that film, i was just amazed when i saw lot of people queuing for hours just to see this film! so cool.. after i googled it, i found out that they do it not only for the films, but also when the novels were released. maybe i should say it one more time, J. K. Rowling is a genius, she has made lot of people love reading and the novels are already sold more than 400 million copies worldwide. wow..
    i wish i liked watching Harry Potter, one of the best serial films in the world..

Album review: The Beginning of a Beautiful Life

   ive just done listening to Maliq & D'Essentials' latest album (too late).... dan sangat takjub mendengar musik seperti itu lahir dari musisi-musisi berkebangsaan Indonesia. album ini terdengar berbeda dengan album-album Maliq sebelumnya, sangat mungkin album ini merupakan album "idealis" dari mereka , jadi pada album inilah terdengar musik dari band ini yang sesungguhnya. unsur musik funk lebih kental dengan permainan synth yang lebih 'liar'. album ini di buka dengan lagu catchy Beautiful Life. disaat para musisi Indonesia menulis lagu tentang cinta & patah hati, Maliq justru menceritakan tentang perjuangan mereka sebelum mereka terkenal(mungkin satu-satunya di Indonesia). di saat mereka harus bermain sampai larut malam tanpa di bayar, berpindah dari satu bar/cafe ke yang lainnya. semua itu mereka lakukan hanya demi kepentingan "Music And Live Instrument Quality" dan yang dianggap "Beautiful Life" oleh mereka bukanlah saat mereka memiliki kekayaan/materi, melainkan saat mereka berhasil memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap belantika musik Indonesia serta memperdengarkan goodmusic pada para pendengarnya
    single yang pertama di rilis dari album ini adalah Terlalu, lagu yang lebih 'liar' dari single-single pada album-album sebelumnya. kemudian ada lagu Get Down & Slide yang memperdengarkan genre funk yang kental. ada pula lagu dengan format akustik Berbeda, walaupun belum bisa menggantikan lagu Untitled / Terdiam tapi mereka memberi sedikit "kejutan" di pertengahan lagu. album ini di tutup dengan lagu indah berjudul Menari.
    pada album ini, Maliq berhasil mengkombinasikan permainan Moog dan keyboard yang apik ditambah dengan pengaruh dari gitaris baru serta vokal yang prima. walaupun hanya berisikan 7 tracks, album ini sangat "penuh" dan berwarna. semoga akan lebih banyak lagi album-album kreatif yang lahir dari musisi Indonesia